Tuesday, July 30, 2019

TC2 & TC3

We visited tot lots TC2 and TC3 on July 16, 2019. These two tot lots are in the Town Center, not too far from the mall.

We parked on Cloudy April Way, which is in a townhouse development to get to TC3.  Most of the parking spots there are reserved, so there was limited guest parking, especially in the area near the tot lot. This is also a fairly well shaded tot lot.
The swings are slightly separated from the rest of the play area. There are 2 big kid swings and 2 baby swings. The swings are also in the sunniest part of the tot lot.  There's a nice sandbox with toys in it and 3 bouncy animals. The slide structure has a ramp going up to the slide, which is about 5 1/2 feet high and goes straight down. There is a small plastic tunnel to crawl through. There are also 3 bouncy animals. There are 2 benches to sit on.


bouncy animals



slide structure

We walked to TC2, which is only about 2 minutes away. They're at opposite ends of the townhouse development.
There are 4 swings here too, again 2 big kid swings and 2 baby swings. There are monkey bars, in a slightly separate area as well. There is one bouncy animal. There's a long ramp up to the slide, which is about 6 feet high, plastic and has a couple of bumps going down.  Other than the swing area, most of the tot lot is pretty well shaded.


slide structure

bouncy horse

monkey bars

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


We visited RH13 on Thursday, July 11, 2019. There are a couple of path entrances that lead to this tot lot. We parked on Silent Moon Run, but there's also a path entrance from Great Star Drive.

There are 2 bouncy animals here, both of which are a little high off the ground. My 3 year old managed to get on them, but it took a couple of tries. I was also able to sit on them both with my feet comfortably on the ground and I'm just under 5 feet.
There's a nice slide structure with ramps going up. There is also a metal ladder going straight up the side. The plastic slide is about 6 feet high with a couple of bounces going down.  The beam with the swings has 2 big kid swings and one baby swing. There are hooks for a 4th swing, so there may be a swing added at some point. There's a sandbox with no toys. Also, 2 or 3 of the corners were dug down pretty far. There is a balance beam with 3 slightly different heights.
This tot lot is about a 7 minute walk from RH01.

bouncy animals w/ balance beam behind it. 

slide structure

ramp up to slide

bouncy animals and balance beam


sandbox and benches


We visited RH01 on Thursday, July 11, 2019. The path to this tot lot is off the circle on Onward Trail.

Unfortunately, we didn't spend a lot of time here because it started to rain shortly after we arrived!
There is an  nice square sandbox here, but no toys. There are 2 bouncy animals, and a nice slide structure. The slide structure has a ramp going up, and a nice tunnel area underneath. The slide is about 4 feet high, plastic, and goes straight down. There are 4 swings, 3 big kid swings and 1 baby swing, all on the same beam. There was a fair amount of shade at this tot lot.
There are 2 benches to sit on.
This tot lot is about a 7 minute walk to RH13.

full view of tot lot

sand box

slide and bouncy animals


Thursday, July 11, 2019

OB13 - Lake Elkhorn

We visited OB13, also known as the Lake Elkhorn playground/tot lot, on Friday, June 21, 2019.

There is an entrance with a small parking lot behind the tot lot off of Dockside Ln. There is also street parking on Cradlerock Way, across from the McDonald's near the Village Center.  This is definitely one of the largest, if not the largest, of all of the tot lots, and it's definitely more like a playground.

This tot lot has 2 different slide structures, one for ages 2-5, the other for ages 5-12.
The 2-5 structure has 4 slides, one a side by side. All of the slides are plastic, and most are short, the highest is about 5 feet high, with high sides. There is also a fan climber/ladder to climb up the side, and a few small steps going up to the slides.
The 5-12 structure is bigger, with 2 slides, both plastic. The larger slide is about 7 feet high with some twists going down. The smaller slide is about 4 feet high and goes straight down. There are monkey bars attached to the structure, a fireman's pole (a far reach), and lots of other parts to climb and play on.
This tot lot also has 2 bouncy cars, and a balance beam. There is a small sandbox with a lot of toys. There are 2 baby swings on one beam that is centrally located in the tot lot. The 4 big kid swings (which are a bit high off the ground), are on a separate beam, more off to the side of the tot lot.

This tot lot has moments of shade, but also has sunny spots.

There are 5 benches scattered around, and of course the tot lot is next to Lake Elkhorn so a walk near the lake is an option as well.

Also, be aware, this is a popular tot lot, and almost always busy!

sand box

bouncy cars
2-5 year old structure
2-5 year old slide structure

2-5 year old structure, with fan climber on the side 

twisty slide on 2-5 structure

5-12 year old structure

5-12 year old structure
5-12 year old structure

balance beam

big kid swings