Thursday, June 1, 2017

LR11 & LR12

We visited tot lots LR11 and LR12 on June 1, 2017.

There are 2 paths to LR11. Both are quite close to the tot lot.  One is on Hayshed Ln and the other is on CooperHawk Ct.  This is a nicely shaded tot lot. There are 2 benches to sit on. There's a small square sandbox. There are 2 bouncy animals, which are a little high off the ground. The plastic slide is about 4 1/2 feet high, and has a couple of bounces going down. There are steps going up to the slide, and a little tunnel area beneath it.  There are 2 big kid swings and one baby swing, all on the same swing set. There's also a nice green area with some trees for the kids to run around on.

swing set

LR12 is about a 10 minute walk from LR11. There's not a path to walk, but the streets in this Long Reach neighborhood all have sidewalks, so it was a safe walk with kids. There are 4 entry points to the path to LR12, 3 of them are in the circel of Hayshed Ln, the 4th is off Winddance Way. Be warned, no matter which path you take, you'll be walking up a hill! Not super long, but steep enough, made a bit harder if you're pushing a stroller.  However, this tot lot is worth the hill. It's pretty well shaded and nicely spread out. There are 2 benches to sit on, one facing the slide, the other facing the baby swings. There are 2 baby swings, a small sandbox, and 2 bouncy animals on one side. Across the path is a nice tall slide, about 6 feet high, with a few bounces going down. There are nice large steps going up to the slide. There are also monkey bars attached. There are also 3 big kid swings here. While we were here it was pretty well shaded, but the baby swings were in the sun.

baby swings

sandbox and bouncy animals

fun slide structure

monkey bars

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