Wednesday, July 17, 2019


We visited RH13 on Thursday, July 11, 2019. There are a couple of path entrances that lead to this tot lot. We parked on Silent Moon Run, but there's also a path entrance from Great Star Drive.

There are 2 bouncy animals here, both of which are a little high off the ground. My 3 year old managed to get on them, but it took a couple of tries. I was also able to sit on them both with my feet comfortably on the ground and I'm just under 5 feet.
There's a nice slide structure with ramps going up. There is also a metal ladder going straight up the side. The plastic slide is about 6 feet high with a couple of bounces going down.  The beam with the swings has 2 big kid swings and one baby swing. There are hooks for a 4th swing, so there may be a swing added at some point. There's a sandbox with no toys. Also, 2 or 3 of the corners were dug down pretty far. There is a balance beam with 3 slightly different heights.
This tot lot is about a 7 minute walk from RH01.

bouncy animals w/ balance beam behind it. 

slide structure

ramp up to slide

bouncy animals and balance beam


sandbox and benches

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